APRIL- Birthstone the diamond

She who from April dates her years,
Diamonds shall wear, lest bitter tears.
For vain repentance flaw; this stone,
Emblem of innocence, is known.


This month, Interesting Facts brings you


The Diamond, king of all gemstones and the birthstone of most Arians, is what’s known as a ‘metastable allotrope’ (literally an isolated other) of carbon. This means that its atoms are arranged in a variation of the crystal structures known as a diamond lattice.

Its the hardest known natural mineral in the world, making it ideal for an everyday-worn piece such as an engagement or wedding ring for which it is most commonly used.

-Other properties of diamond are that it’s an excellent insulator, it is insoluble and that it is very unreactive.

Approximately 130,000,000 carats of diamonds are mined annually, with a total value of nearly US$ 9 billion, and about 100,000 kg are synthetically manufactured.
Roughly 49% of these originate from Central and South Africa, although lots of sources have been found in Canada, Brazil and Australia.

Using volcanic pipes, miners bring up diamond crystals that reside deep in the Earth and the high pressure and temperatures from the pipes disturb them, forcing them to the surface to be collected.
Synthetic diamonds are less precious, although still valuable and are manufactured differently from this. They’re made in a lab and have been made this way for over a century.


In jewellery, diamonds not only look fabulous, they also help accentuate certain features (now there’s an excuse!).


Diamond rings are not only symbols of love, they are also very easy to wear and never tarnish or fracture.


Diamond necklaces are considered by many as signs of high class but also, with a necklace, your neck can appear more delicate and elongated.

With a couple of interesting facts thrown in above, don’t say we’re not good to our readers, prepare yourself for the main event!

Presenting Interesting Facts Number One Of Three:

Ancient cultures believed that the third finger on the left hand had a special vein known as the Vena Amoris, the vein of ‘love’ This vein runs directly to the heart, hence why we wear engagements rings on this finger.

Number Two:

Diamonds were first discovered in India as far back as 800 B.C.
– But did you know that they were not actually used on wedding bands or engagement rings until the 15th Century?


The youngest diamond in the world is a youthful 900… million years old.
– But as we’ve learned, scientists can grow synthetic diamonds averaging 2.5 carats in around 4 days.

Well, that’s all, folks! From the glistening clarity of diamond to next month’s birthstone, and what a gem it is! Keep your green eyes peeled as we look to explore the secrets of the emerald for our month of May addition… jealous?

How can we help?

This month we are featuring an elegant pair of diamond cufflinks

Would you like more information about these or any other of my featured designs?
We specialise in of one-of-a-kind bespoke jewellery in a variety of colour, texture and cleverly engineered, sophisticated designs that Helen Swan Jewellery does so well.. We can help you express your unique style with our elegant designs.
We can even help you combine your old jewellery to create new preserving some of your old memories and giving them a new life.
Contact us today and allow us to help you solve you jewellery needs

Contact us today Email: helen@hswanjewellery.co.uk. Phone: 0141 959 5586


Written and researched by Hazel Martin for Helly and Haz of Helen Swan Designer Jewellery

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